收购 Agilent E4448A頻譜分析儀

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更新 2015-01-08 15:21



E4448A 收购 Agilent E4448A 回收E4448A 頻譜分析儀

联系人:孙先生 13450039649
电 话:0769-82684869
E-MAIL: [email protected]

品牌:安捷倫 Agilent 機能 *+/-0.24dB相對幅度精度
*-155dBm/Hz顯示的平均雜訊電平(DNAL) *10kHz偏置時的相噪:
-118 dBc/Hz *81 dB W-CDMAACLR動靜規模 分析帶寬
*40或80 MHz分析帶寬撐持捕捉和測量簡單的信號。查看: 简单的信号。
查看: *-78dB(额外值)三阶互调 *0.5 dBIF频率响应 *-78dB(额外值)
三阶互调 灵敏性 *灵敏的平台,
测量 形容 E4440系列测量规模内简单的RF及微波信号。
E4443A 3Hz-6.7GHz E4445A 3Hz-13.2GHz E4440A 3Hz-26.5GHz
E4447A 3Hz-42.98GHz E4446A 3Hz-44GHz E4448A 3Hz-50GHz
全新!HSDPA/HSUPA 测量专用件 全新!
内置领受器专用件 查看PSA高带宽数字转换器影片演示
 理解单键式功率测量 理解40/80 MHz 带宽数字转换器信息
理解更多对于PSA校准软件 首要特征: 动静规模 *-166dBm
 显示平均噪声级(DANL) *+17dBm 三阶互调(TOI)
(+19 dBm 典型) *-116dBc/Hz 相位噪声(10 kHz 偏置)
(-118dBc/Hz 典型) 切确度 *%26plusmn;0.62 dB相对振幅精度
(%26plusmn;0.24 dB 典型) *%26plusmn;0.38 dB 频率响应
(%26plusmn;0.11 dB 典型) *%26plusmn;0.07 dB对数放大线性度 速度:
*迅速低电平寄生搜索 *%26lt;30ms 迅速ACP测量 *50测量/秒本地更新率,
45测量/秒远地测量 尺度特征: 理解更多特征及信息,请查阅PSA系列手册
*2dB 步进衰减器 *FFT 及扫频测量模式
*用内置的CISPR和MIL尺度预兼容EMI检波器和带宽进行EMI测量 可选特征:
 *40MHz 或80 MHz 带宽数字转换器
*内置前置放大器(选项1DS: 100 kHz - 3 GHz;选项110: 10 MHz - 6.7 GHz)

Agilent E4448A installs 3Hz–50GHz of analyzer of spectrum of series of PSA
of nimble human relations

Brand: An Jielun AgilentFunction The average noise n that
*-155dBm/Hz of precision of *+/-0. of
*+/-0.24dB absolutely scope shows (DNAL)
*10kHz slants the photograph a confusion of voices when buy:
 - dynamic limits of 118 DBc/Hz
*81 DB W-CDMAACLRAnalytic bandwidth
*40 or support of bandwidth of 80 MHz analysis capture and measure
mixed signal. Examine: *-78dB (rating) 3 rank *0.5 DBIF frequency answers
intermodulation *-78dB (rating) 3 rank intermodulationFlexibility The
platform. with agile * , contain 16 optional and use easily inside buy
measures special software PSA to measure power of special software
* to cover can be opposite 20 a variety of wireless make type undertake
power covers an one key type bolting type power measures PSA power is
 measuredDescription E4440 series measures the complex RF inside
limits and microwave signal. E4443A     3Hz-6.7GHz E4445A   
 3Hz-13.2GHz E4440A     3Hz-26.5GHz E4447A     3Hz-42.98GHz E4446A  
  3Hz-44GHz E4448A     3Hz-50GHz Be brand-new! HSDPA/HSUPA measures
 special purpose parts brand-new! Buy receiver special purpose parts
 examines film of converter of number of PSA tall bandwidth to demonstrate
to understand power of single bond type to measure information of converter
 of number of bandwidth of understanding 40/80 MHz to understand more
 inside about PSA calibration software Major attribute:Dynamic limits
*-166dBm shows average noise level (DANL)
*+17dBm 3 rank intermodulation (TOI) (+ 19 DBm is typical)
*-116dBc/Hz phasic noise (10 KHz slants buy)
(- 118dBc/Hz model)Accuracy Precision of
*±0.62 DB absolutely amplitude (±0.24 DB is typical)
*±0.38 DB frequency is answered (±0.11 DB model)
degree of linearity of enlarge of *±0.07 DB logarithmSpeed: Fast ACP of
*<30ms of search of parasitism of fast low n measures
* *50 is measured / second this locality is led newlier,
45 measure / second far ground is measuredStandard character:
Know more character and news, consult please a confusion of voices
of photograph of total number IF * that * of PSA set manual has
automatic span function optimizes radiodetector of
* complete set to cover a *160 resolution bandwidth
 is installed (10% paces are entered)
*2dB pace reachs sweep to measure mode * door to connect into attenuator
*FFT choose sweepOptional and characteristic: Preamplifier of the buy inside
*40MHz or * of converter of number of 80 MHz bandwidth
 (option 1DS: 100 KHz - 3 GHz; Option 110: 10 MHz - 6.7 GHz)
* is handy use easily inside buy PSA series measures analysis
of modulation of special key * and link to analyse software
 to 89601A vector signal

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