公司简介:狄姆斯创建于1994年,公司位于广东经济重镇——佛山。是一家专业从事楼梯、栏杆及相关配件研究、开发、生产、销售的建筑五金制品企业。产品款式清新、简洁、系统;工艺精湛、品种、规格齐全。并可根据不同的需求加工定制。 公司以雄厚的经济实力为基础,引进国外先进生产设备和生产工艺,拥有经验丰富的高素质专业技术人员,产品出口100多个国家和地区。
Demose Stairs Manufactory, located in Foshan, a significant economic region in
Apart from providing high quality construction hardware, Demose also develops its own culture to improve competitive power and to establish a good social reputation.
Consistently we adhere to the principle“Quality and Customer Come First”.based on this principle. Your choosing Demose shows your confidence in us, and your satisfaction will be our best support.
联系方式:公司地址: 佛山市南海区黄歧泌冲凤秀岗工业区2号
电话: +86-0757-85951996
传真: +86-0757-85951997
公司官方网址: http://www.demose.cn阿里巴巴网址: