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首页 > 公司新闻 > 什么是USB连接器
2018-09-17IP属地 火星41
 USB(Universal Serial Bus)连接器即USB接口,全称为通用串行总线接口,最初主要用来连接计算机及其外围设备如打印机、显示器、扫描仪、鼠标或键盘,由于USB接口传输速度快,可以带电插拔,并且可以连接多个设备,目前已在各类外部设备中广泛采用。随着技术的进步USB标准一直在升级,理论上讲USB1.1的传输速度可以达到12Mbps/秒,USB2.0的传输速度可以达到480Mbps/秒,并且可以向下兼容USB1.1,USB3.0的传输速率最高可达5.0Gbps,USB 3.1是最新的USB规范,完全向下兼容现有的USB连接器和线缆,数据传输速度提升可至速度10Gbps。
 目前最常见的USB接口有三种标准分别为USB,Mini-USB,Micro-USB,Mini-USB接口比标准USB接口更小,适用于移动设备等小型电子设备。Mini-USB分为A型,B型和AB型,其中MiniB型5Pin这种接口属于使用最广泛的接口这种接口防误插性能出众,体积比较小巧,广泛出现在读卡器、MP3、数码相机以及移动硬盘上Micro-USB连接器是USB 2.0标准的一个便携版本,比目前部分手机使用的Mini USB接口更小,是Mini-USB的下一代规格,具有有盲插结构设计,使用这一个接口即可进行充电、音频及数据连接,且比标准USB和Mini-USB连接器更小,节省空间,具有高达10000次的插拔寿命和强度,未来将成为主流接口。
What's the meaning of USB connector?
Universal serial bus (or USB,for short) in today may say that is everywhere in our daily life even we use it everyday,such as cellphone,printer, usb drive, portable hard drive,MP3,MP4,etc,but what's the meaning of USB connector?
A USB connector is a connector between a computer and a peripheral device such as a printer, monitor, scanner, mouse or keyboard. It is part of the USB interface, which includes types of ports, cables and connectors.The USB connector prior to the USB interface, which provides various benefits, including plug-and-play, increased data transfer rate, reduced number of connectors, and addressing usability issues with existing interfaces.The USB connector is intentionally designed to be properly connected,it is impossible to connect it upside-down.
The USB interface replaced a wide range of previous interfaces, such as serial and parallel ports and individual power chargers for portable devices.Accroding to the USB Implementers Forum,there are two types of connectors,A-type and B-type. Both types use 4 flat pins with the first pin (the +5V supply voltage) and fourth pin (the supply ground) slightly longer to first connect the power supply. This substantially lowers the possibility of the data connection receiving voltages. A-Type connectors are used on devices that provide power, such as a computer, and have a flat and rectangular interface. B-Type connectors are used on devices receiving power such as a peripheral device.
There are several versions of USB connectors, which vary in their DTRs: USB 1.0 with DTR of 1.5 Mbps and 12 Mbps, USB 2.0 with DTR of 480 Mbps, and USB 3.0, or SuperSpeed, with DTR up to 5 Gbps. 
China XKB brand USB connectors,using superior quality material,table performance and long life.
XKB connectors,make of customers' specification demand. 
Various XKB connectors:www.helloxkb.com