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2018-09-19IP属地 火星32
How to choose a high quality DIP Switch?(DIP Switch selection method)
What famous brands does? DIP switches have?
There are many types of switches,Some of the switches we've touched, but we don't know their name, some of them we have heard bit we don't know where to use them, anyway this little electronic component is really useful in a lot of different areas.Today we talk about the DIP switch and how to choose a high quality DIP switch.
A DIP switch is a manual electric switch that is packaged with others in a group in a standard dual in-line package (DIP). The term may refer to each individual switch, or to the unit as a whole. This type of switch is designed to be used on a printed circuit board along with other electronic components and is commonly used to customize the behavior of an electronic device for specific situations.
DIP switches are an alternative to jumper blocks. Their main advantages are that they are quicker to change and there are no parts to lose.
DIP switches are widely used in audio-visual products, digital products, communications products, security products, toys, computer products, fitness equipment,medical equipment and more.
Blow are some tips for choosing a DIP switch:
1.You should choose the products of regular manufacturers and do not purchase inferior products.
The manufacturer should have the complete manufacturer qualification certificate, make sure good reputation from users and trust that well-known brands have more ensurence.
Here i recommend some excellent manufacturer for everybody reference,BIWIN,XKB,KE.
2.The appearance of the switch and your hand feeling.
Good quality switches are made of high quality materials,you can feel it from the appearance of the switch.When buying and selecting, you can see the appearance and feel by your hands. The high quality switch has a smooth surface,no bubbles, no scratches, no stains,and the brand logo be clearly visible.
3.You'd better understand the material used for the DIP switch.
Whether the materials used are excellent in water resistance, flame retardant, insulation and impact resistance.Know clearly the material used for panel, pin, etc.
4.Technical strength of the manufacturer,what about the staffing and management skills of the company? 
The technical strength of the manufacturer, the assembly process and the management of the company's rigorous work even quality consciousness,all these will affect the quality of the product directly.
5.Delivery inspection and after-sale service.
The last step is you should know that whether the ex-factory inspection method can achieve comprehensive quality inspection inside and outside the switch,and make sure the switch has a quality certificate,whether you will get a prompt reply when the switch goes wrong after buying.The more you know the more you buy feel relieved.