QE65 Pro 科研级光谱仪 厂家博盛量子科技供应

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品牌 博盛量子科技
型号 博盛量子科技
规格 博盛量子科技
过期 长期有效
更新 2012-06-30 12:24


光电测量产品 >> 光纤光谱仪 >> QE65 Pro 科研级光谱仪  

QE65 Pro Scientific-grade Spectrometer

The QE65 Pro is our next-generation scientific-grade spectrometer with high sensitivity and low stray light performance that make it ideal for a wide range of low light level applications such as fluorescence, DNA sequencing and Raman analysis.

At a Glance

Wavelength range: Grating dependent
Optical resolution: ~0.14-7.7 nm (FWHM)
Signal-to-noise ratio: 1000:1 at full signal
A/D resolution: 16 bit
Dark noise: 3 RMS counts
Dynamic range: 7.5 x 109 (system), 25000:1 for a single acquisition
Integration time: 8 ms - 15 minutes
Stray light: ,0.08% at 600 nm; 0.4% at 435 nm
Corrected linearity: >99%
Grating options: Multiple grating options - UV through shortwave NIR

The enhanced QE65 Pro has an athermal design that promotes excellent spectrometer wavelength stability, triggering functions for providing accurate timing and synchronization between the spectrometer and other devices and a replaceable slit design for added convenience. An extensive range of gratings offers flexibility in optimizing applications.

Robust Optical Bench

The QE65 Pro is the result of feedback from customers like you who appreciate high performance at a reasonable price and appreciate the flexibility of our modular approach to miniature spectroscopy. Consider some of the enhancements we’ve made to the QE65 Pro:

  • Availability of new gratings, selected for their optimal wavelength range and stray light performance characteristics
  • New optical bench components that more efficiently manipulate light for greater throughput and higher sensitivity
  • SMA 905 connector assembly with replaceable slit design for added convenience and excellent repeatability
  • Changes to the optical bench and its components that promote excellent spectrometer wavelength thermal stability

Back-thinned Detector

At the heart of the QE65 Pro is a Hamamatsu FFT-CCD detector distinguished by its high quantum efficiency (90% maximum) and low etalon characteristics. Unlike linear CCDs, the 2D area detector in the QE65 Pro allows us to bin (or sum) a vertical row of pixels, which offers significant improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio (>1000:1) and signal processing speed of the detector.

What’s more, the TE-cooled (down to -15 °C) detector has low noise and low dark signal, which enables low-light-level detection and long integration times -- from 8 milliseconds to 15 minutes, with virtually no spectral distortion.

Ideal For Raman

QE65 Pro is a great choice for fluorescence and low light level applications and is particularly well suited for modular Raman spectroscopy. For Raman, we offer a 900 mm-1 grating (#H36) that is blazed at 500 nm and has good response at the 532 and  785 nm laser illumination wavelengths typical of Raman.

In this setup, the QE65 Pro anchors a modular, probe-based Raman system. You’ll note a bifurcated optical probe with one leg coupled to a 785 nm laser (in middle of photo) and the other to the spectrometer. Cuvette-based Raman analysis is also possible.


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