光电测量产品 >> 光谱系统 >> LED寿命检测系统 |

Bentham manufactures a system for batch testing LEDs. Each carrier board accomondates up to 50 devices. A universal mounting socket has been developed to suit nearly all LED device packages currently supplied. A single keystroke enables full optical and electrical characterisation of each device with seamless integration with database and analysis software. The modular drive electronics are most commonly supplied with programmable forward current, If, and reverse voltage, Vr, power supply. The system records for each device:
full spectral distribution
averaged intensity, ILED B
peak wavelength and bandwidth
dominant wavelength
chromaticity co-ordinates
colour purity and CRIs
forward voltage, Vf
reverse current, Ir
光源 真空紫外光谱仪 订制光谱仪 软X射线光谱仪 拉曼光谱仪 红外\紫外激光观察仪 夜视仪器 HPLC荧光光度计 CCD相机 动态光散射 高速摄影照相机 光纤光谱仪 海洋系列光谱仪 光谱系统 原子力显微镜 探测器 滤光片 红外光谱仪 单色仪 光栅 照度计 光信号电子学仪器 工业内窥镜 薄膜测量 PC示波器 数字记录仪 远红外太赫兹光谱仪 太阳光模拟器 袖珍数码显微镜相机 压电陶瓷 紫外线固化机 紫外反射镜 滤光片测量仪 电动位移台/电控位移台 纳米位移台 光电探测器 均匀光源