Drainage Sheet HDPE

单价 6.00 / 平方米对比
销量 暂无
浏览 16
发货 山东泰安市泰山区付款后3天内
库存 10000000000平方米起订100平方米
品牌 永立
过期 长期有效
更新 2017-07-03 14:46



Drainage Sheet HDPE
Sheet drains are designed for use in both vertical and horizontal drainage applications.

1.Sheet Drains for single side drainage applications are prefabricated products that consist of a solid, formed, three dimensional core covered with a geotextile filter fabric bonded to the dimple side of the core. The filter fabric is securely bonded to prevent soil intrusion into the core flow channel while allowing water to freely enter the drainage core.
2.Sheet drains solid cores allow water entry from one side and are typically used to collect and re-direct water from a structure or site.
3.Sheet drains are designed for use in both vertical and horizontal drainage applications. Designed to provide full drainage for large surface areas, sheet drains are constructed to various strength, flow and soil filtration requirements for a wide range of construction applications.
4.Sheet drains collect and transport significantly more water than aggregate systems and are constructed using recycled materials providing a sustainable, cost effective drainage alternative.
5.Sheet drains are available in 2.4m  wide sheets in rolls 10-20m long. The core height is 10-30mm thick.
Mobile Phone:0086-15805383141
Country/Region:China (Mainland)
City:Taian Shandong

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