祖传秘方 男性救星
补肾丸 售于世者 屈指难算 然求其有实验而有奇效者 诚不多见也 夫肾虚一症 世界各国 莫不苦心精求保护 精研疗法 心为身之主 肾是心之根 必心肾相交 水火相济 方能保身髓康健 享受一生安乐 经曰 肾者天一之水先天之本也 位北方故黑其体常虚 处腰左右 介其中者 有命门火 举凡先天不足 后天失调 青年早婚 肾部亏损 酒色过度 元阳不固 腰膝酸软 下部无力 酿成种种惨郁根性影响全体 仍置不理 生殖器为之障害 水少火衰 阳事不举 举而不坚 坚而不久 神衰气弱 将成为睾丸炎症 精液虚寒 精虫缺弱 阴阳交接不调 子嗣维艰 良堪浩坎 古人云哀莫大于心死 可毋惧哉 我中华祖国 乃礼仪之邦 生殖器官 有障害苦症 多以问医为羞 隐讳不言 本主人心存济世 游厉各国 领教医学博士 药剂专家 精求肾部真元 研究内肾各部化验和以珍贵药品 百炼成丸 疗治肾部 独一无二圣药 夫膀胱滤净之血 经肾脏之迂血管 直达心房 而养百脉 可知肾为全身枢纽 时常壮健 精脑自足 斯丸出现以来 海外风行各界欢迎药用 中外同胞 脱离沉疔苦海 诚有千万万计 经在政府注册及化验 名曰天寿堂姑嫂牌健肾丸 专治男子先天不足 后天失调 真元不固 下部虚弱 腰膝酸软 耳鸣眼花精神衰倦 肾亏精寒 阳事不举 举而不坚 坚而不久等症 保无亢阳霸烈之弊 却有返老还童之功 天之惠赐人类 其护极致 无能挽回造化之功 补人间未育之缺憾 枯木重荣秋花著实 于令怡见 敬告全国医界 对于肾部 勿轻用亢阳霸列之药 流毒堪虞 世有金屋贮娇 尼山求嗣者 请尝试之
一治男子 先天不足 后天失调 丹田无力腰膝酸软 青年早婚
一治男子 元阳不固 四肢困倦 冬月手冷酒色过度 精神衰弱
一治男子 梦遗早泻 夜多小便 腰背脊痛耳鸣眼花 膀胱寒湿
一治男子 便有余浊 心肾不交 命门火衰气血两虚 子嗣维艰
主要成份及含量 Contents:
白术 Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 14.1mg
桂皮 Cortex 9.38mg
甘草 Radix Glycyrrhizae 9.38mg
熟地 Radixx Rehmanniae Preparata14.1mg
淫羊藿 Herba Epimedii18.8mg
川芎 Rhizoma Chuanxiong 18.8mg
当归 Radix Angelicae Sinensis18.8mg
豆蔻 Fructus Amomi Rotundus4.69mg
茯苓 Poria 14.1mg
女贞子 Fructus Ligustri Rotundus8.8mg
Sperification:The pills are brown colour.30pills per bottle.
Dosages:Two pills are ingested two times per day. To add one more pill in case of weakness of health. Pills should be swallowed and not chewable.
Storage:Pille should be stored in cool, dry space away from light.
Keep Pille out of reach of children.
LOT NO.6023
健肾丸 Jianshen Pill
Jianshen Pill
The deficiency syndrome of kidney is mainly manifested by impotence and dysfunciton in male reproductive system clinically.
The congenital is impaired or the acquired is deficient, could suffer from a deficiency syndrome of Kidney. It is also likelihood as the consequence of early marriage in youht, over-drinking and heavily engaged in sexual events.
These are leading to less a dysfunction of male sexual system.. The impotence is commonly manifested, known as not able to erect or erection with less hardened and short duration.Erection deficiency is commonly correlated with a decrease production of sperm fluid and number of sperm, therefore, the male reproduction ability is compromised.
The preparation is manufactured by adopting the advanced techniques in progressive Chinese medicine industries. The effect of the pill is unique to restore the deficiency syndrome in Kidney.
he product affects mildly and beneficially to improve the male reproductive dysfuncition, with no risk of over-long erection parparation for the purpose to increase erection ability of penis, according to theoretical considerations in Chinese traditional medicine,because of being likely to bring considerable risk to the users.
Indications: It is indicated to alleviate deficiency syndrome of Kidney in male patient presented with dysfunction of male reproductive system under various causes.
Erection deficiency, also known as impotence, is commonly manifested by either a flaccid state of penis, or a compromised erection state with reduction in the hardness and duration, caused by unwellness in male population under many pathological and social reasons, such as early marriage in youth. It is also used to correct early ejaculating, dreaming ejaculating, an access in nocturnal urination and turbid urine in middle-aged and elderly persons. Male Infertility due to varying diseases.
In mormal subjects the product is also beneficial to offer a better appetite and an improvement of the function of digestive system.
服法用量:日服二次 每次二丸 倘身体虚弱极功力太缓 加吞一丸 免用咬破 不用戒口 无不见效 即无病服之 亦能添精补髓 健脾养胃 乌发延寿 健体助元 万发万中 天下驰名 无论皓叟青年 肾部虚弱 连服一礼拜肾部强壮 生机活泼 中外颂为健肾大元帅 不愧为济世金丹 请速试之 方知所言不谬也
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