尼康NIKON物镜CF Plan 100X

单价 100.00 / 个对比
销量 暂无
浏览 106
发货 广东深圳市龙岗区付款后3天内
库存 100个起订1个
品牌 尼康
过期 长期有效
更新 2017-04-21 10:12


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加工定制:否 品牌:NIKON/尼康 型号:CF Plan 100X
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深圳市磊佳贸易有限公司代理销售日本NIKON尼康显微镜物镜CF Plan100x/0.95 OFN25 WD 0.3

  • /0 Epi
  • Suitable for Non-Contact Optical Profiling
  • Michelson (2.5X and 5X) and Mirau (10X, 20X and 50X) Objectives Available
  • Infinity Corrected 200mm Tube Lens Design

Interferometry objectives are used in non-contact optical profile measurement devices to obtain surface maps and surface measurement parameters. They can be used to examine surface topography with very high precision—to within a fraction of the wavelength of light. In these objectives, a light beam passes through a beamsplitter, which directs the light to both the surface of the sample and a built-in reference mirror. The light reflected from these surfaces recombines and a fringe interference pattern is formed. The Michelson objectives provide comparatively longer working distances, wider fields of view and larger depth of focus, wheras the Mirau objectives are used in applications requiring higher magnification and/or numerical apertures. Use of the Nikon 200mm tube lens (#58- 520) allows these objectives to be integrated to a C-Mount camera.

Magnification 2.5X 5X 10X 20X 50X 100x
Numerical Aperture 0.075 0.13 0.30 0.40 0.55 0.7
Working Distance 10.3mm 9.3mm 7.4mm 4.7mm 3.4mm 2mm
Focal Length 80.0mm 40.0mm 20.0mm 10.0mm 4.0mm 2mm
Resolving Power 3.7μm 2.1μm 0.92μm 0.69μm 0.50μm 0.40μm
Depth of Focus 48.6μm 416.2μm 3.04μm 1.71μm 0.90μm 0.56μm
Field of View
Eyepiece, 25 Diameter Field 10.0mm 5.0mm 2.5mm 1.25mm 0.50mm 0.25mm
Eyepiece, 20 Diameter Field 4.4mm 2.2mm 2mm 1mm 0.22mm 0.2mm
2/3" Sensor Camera (H x V) 3.52 x 2.64mm 1.76 x 1.32mm 0.88 x 0.66mm 0.44 x 0.33mm 0.18 x 0.13mm 0.011 x 0.08mm
1/2" Sensor Camera (H x V) 2.56 x 1.92mm 1.28 x 0.96mm 0.64 x 0.48mm 0.32 x 0.24mm 0.13 x 0.10mm 0.08 x 0.06mm
Weight 440g 280g 125g 130g 150g 200g


2.5X Nikon CF IC Epi Plan TI Interferometry Objective

5X Nikon CF IC Epi Plan TI Interferometry Objective

10X Nikon CF IC Epi Plan DI Interferometry Objective

20X Nikon CF IC Epi Plan DI Interferometry Objective

50X NIKON CF IC Epi Plan DI Interferometry Objective

100X Nikon CF IC Epi Plan DI Interferometry Objective

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