推广 热搜: 岗亭  电子  空调  服装  GPS  轴承  东莞  米粉机  能源  粉丝机 


单价: 9.00元/米数
起订: 5000 米数
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 佛山市 顺德区
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2018-07-16 18:24
浏览次数: 47
Li SU polyurethane (TPU) fabric hose: using extrusion technology "special forming a" process, from polyether TPU internal rubber layer, intermediate filament 、high-strength polyester filament fabric, circular enhancement layer and TPU cover. The material of environmental protection, aging resistance, hydrolysis resistance, non-toxic and tasteless, high bottom temperature, anti tear property, abrasion resistance, scratch resistance, good product of large caliber, large flow, high pressure, high transmission efficiency, working pressure up to 1.0-3.0MPa, tensile strength of over 15 tons. Compared with the rubber pipe and steel pipe with light weight, strong bearing, high transmission efficiency, soft texture, prehensile, convenient operation, laying and withdrawing speed, flexibility, strong adaptability to the environment, the use of safe and reliable and durable, maintenance free, no need to clean or dry, long service life, wear resistance, scratch resistance in sand, cement, or use other adverse circumstances, smooth inner wall, small flow resistance, the pressure state of elongation is almost 0, to prevent the water led to the distortion of wear, water resistance and heat resistance of hose, fuel, chemicals, ultraviolet light, ozone, water, microorganism.
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防水透湿Tpu薄膜 抗静电Tpu薄膜 TPE透气膜 TPE防水膜 TPU抗菌薄膜 Tpee微多孔透气防水膜 Tpee有孔透气防水膜 TPU防辐射薄膜 TPU抗菌薄膜 tpu气压管 耐水解tpu管 耐水解tpu管 硅胶曝气软管
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