
单价 85.00 / 套对比
询价 暂无
浏览 39
发货 河北廊坊市霸州市付款后3天内
品牌 红日、红叶
过期 长期有效
更新 2014-10-27 20:08


 红日教学家具有限公司(原红日教学家具厂)是集设计、开发、生产、销售于一体的专业办公、教学家具公司 ,成立于1990年,多年的经验不断吸纳众多家具业中优点,不断开发出物美,价廉,实用性高的优质产品。
  本公司充分发挥员工的积极性和创造性。同时,秉承“质量第一,服务第一”的服务宗旨,使红日公家具产品的质量和产销量稳步提高 ,仅学生课桌椅一项,红日家具2010年生产销售近12万套,2013年度达到19万套。2014年,以优质的产品出口新加坡,阿联酋,成为华北地区一流的课桌椅,公寓床的生产厂家。客户已遍及西北,东北三省,山东,安徽,山西及内蒙古地区。 我们对消费者的服务宗旨是“用心感动客户,让您感到红日无处不在的细心服务”,杜绝为追求最高利润而以次充好,使用不达标的原材料。我们会对售出的每一件产品跟踪服务。
  全体员工经过多年的不懈努力,红日课桌 红叶品牌正被越来越多的消费者所认可,2013年被河北省权威信用评价机构评为河北省家具行业诚信A级企业,2014年被廊坊3.15协会评为消费者信赖诚信单位。
Red sun teaching furniture limited company(Formerly known as red sun teaching furniture factory)is Set design development and production of sales in the integration of professional office furniture company,be founded in1990,Having many years of ecperience andtaking in advantages of the furniturebusiness,Constantly develop wumart, cheap, practical high quality products.
  Give full play to the enthusiasm and creativity of employees of the company,at the same time ,Adhering to the "quality first, service first" service purposes.The red sun furniture product quality and production volume will increase steadily,only one red sun desks and chairs,Red sun furniture production and sales of nearly 120000 sets in 2010,In 2013 reached 190000 sets,With high quality products are exported to Singapore,UAE.In north China to become the first-class desks and chairs, apartment bed manufacturers.Customer has been throughout the northwest, northeast three provinces, shandong, anhui, shanxi and Inner Mongolia region.Our service tenet is to consumers"My heart is touched by customers,Let you feel red sun everywher careful service,Put an end to the pursuit of the highest profits shoddy,The use of substandard raw materials. We will be sold for each product tracking service.All the staff after years of unremitting efforts,Red sun desks Maple leaf brand is being recognized by more and more consumers.Authority in hebei province in 2013 by the rating agencies as credit enterprise in hebei province furniture,In 2014 by langfang 3.15 association as good faith consumer trust units.
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