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更新 2014-10-16 10:29


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logoDRAMISKI Estrous Detector for pigs

Determines the most fertile moment for breeding in animals.

The application of the most advanced technology enables for the breeder to determine very precisely the exact momment of the estrous cycle when the ovulation takes place (also in the case of so called silent heat!!!).

The Estrous Detector monitors changes in electrical resistance of the vaginal mucus. Measurements are taken simply by properly inserting the probe in the vagina and taking the reading. No prior technical knowledge on the part of the operator is required. The big, easy-to-grip handle ensures that the instrument is not easily kicked out of the user's hand and the easy-to-read display makes reading the results more convenient.

One or two daily readings over several successive days are recommended for fail-safe detection of estrous.

重 量: 约0.3公斤。
电力供应: 1节电池9伏
显 示: 3位,液晶显示器
测量范围: 0 -1990个单位
工作温度: 0 -7 0°C时
湿 度: 85 %
举报收藏 0评论 0
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