Precision silicone rubber foot factory become invincible in 1998, is located in Dongguan, China, the transportation is convenient and the environment is exquisite covers an area of 18000 square meters is Dongguan Rubber Industry Association member units.
Main production of transparent rubber pad, silicone rubber pad, adhesive silicone rubber mat, magic gum paste, copper foil, protective film, EVA foam pad, EVA foam mats, EVA liners Neto, EVA box tray, PORON/CR foam / acrylic foam, silicone keypad, gasket PVC hook, 3M adhesive gum, etc. die-cutting products
Engaged in the production of all kinds of silicone rubber pad rubber products manufacturing high-tech enterprises. In recent years, the rapid development of the company, from a set of product design, research and development, to the development of mold, the processing of raw materials, production, quality testing and other perfect production process, with advanced and complete supporting equipment, strong technical force, perfect management system and production process continuously improve and perfect, to ensure the stability of the accuracy and quality of delivery by customer praise.
精质硅橡胶脚垫厂成 立于1998年,坐落在中国东莞,交通便利,环境优美占地面积18000余平方米,是东莞橡胶行业协会会员单位。
从事生产各种硅橡脚垫胶制品制造 的高科技企业。几年以来,公司发展迅速,有一套从产品设计、研发、到模具开发、原料加工、成品生产、品质检测等完善的生产流程,拥有先进而齐全的配套设 备、技术力量雄厚、完善的管理体制以及生产工艺的不断提高与完善,确保了交期的准确性及品质的稳定性,深受顾客好评。
产品主要有各种橡胶制品,硅胶制品:橡胶件、橡胶条、橡胶管、橡胶减震器、橡胶密封件、硅胶按键、医用硅胶面罩、鼻罩、眼罩、吸球、胶盖、胶塞、穿线环、防尘罩、五金包胶件、吸盘、发泡管、发泡条、橡胶脚垫、硅胶垫、胶垫等硅橡胶产品。它充分满足客户对耐热、耐油、耐压、耐酸碱、耐 磨、耐候、抗拉、抗撕裂、阻燃、减震、耐寒、电绝缘、耐辐射、低透气等物性要求。产品广泛适用于电子、电器,通讯设备、电脑、玩具、音像器材、运动用品、 健康、医疗设备及机械制造行业使用。
精质硅橡胶脚垫奉行“品质第一,信誉为本,竭诚服务,进取不息” 的经营宗旨, 坚持创新,成就未来的理念,不断完善动态营销管理,不断增强市场竞争力。欢迎广大朋友与我们洽谈指导。我们将以精湛的技术,高品质的产品,一体化的优质服 务,使更多的商业朋友信赖我公司产品。在今后的工作过程中,无论在品质还是在售后服务上,我们將不断努力提高以满足客户对原有产品和产品的新需要。