SmartRail THAILAND 2015
展会主办:全球交通论坛有限公司(Global Transport Forum Ltd)
展会介绍:SmartRail Exhibition:
SmartRail is attended by over 3,000 rail professionals, giving you access to a targeted, but expanded pre-qualified audience of decision makers, project managers and technical specialists with specific respo
nsibility for rail technology purchasing decisions.
If you offer solutions in rail integration, signalling, telecoms, IT, passenger information, security or fare collection systems or services then this is a show you simply cannot afford to miss.
It’s the o
nly place you will meet your specific target market in one place at one time.
市场分析:SmartRail offers a dedicated thought leadership, branding and networking platform for organisations with a specific focus on Rail Signalling, Communications, IT, Passenger Information, Ticketing and Rolling Stock Technology.
SmartRail Events offer forward thinking companies global coverage and access to thousands of qualified buyers.
Raise Your Profile and Demo
nstrate Thought Leadership
By speaking in the co
ngress of leading a focused innovation seminar alo
ngside leaders from across the entire value chain
Announce and Demo New Products and Services
By joining our exclusive exhibition dedicated to rail and metro technology and attended by 1000s of qualified decision makers
Network With Senior Decision Makers and Budget Holders
Via facilitated meeting and networking opportunities with the 1000s of qualified buyers at our co
ngress and exhibition
Increase Market Presence and Build Your Brand
Through our year round community events, co
ntent and targeted mail, email and social media campaigns
北京欧亚商汇国际会展有限公司 网 站:www.ouyashanghui.com
地址:北京市海淀区车公庄西路33号人民画报社大楼239室 邮政编码:100048
电 话:010-81058334 联系人:李扬 1324141196
传 真:010-68484576 邮 件:
[email protected]
Q Q :1830803156 Skype: Leeyang668
微 信:275309647
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2015年03月泰国曼谷铁路技术展 泰国 曼谷
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2015年03月荷兰铁路展 荷兰 乌得勒支
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2015年04月西班牙国际铁路工业展 西班牙 巴塞罗那
2015年04月马来西亚铁路工业展 马来西亚 吉隆坡
2015年05月英国国际铁路工业展 英国 伯明翰
2015年05月瑞士铁路展 瑞士 伯尔尼
2015年06月韩国国际铁路及交通运输展览会 釜山 韩国
2015年06月南非国际铁路技术设备展览会 南非 约翰内斯堡
2015年09月波兰铁路展 波兰 格但斯克
2015年10月印度铁路展 印度 新德里
2015年11月捷克铁路展 布拉格 捷克
2015年11月澳大利亚铁路展暨论坛 澳大利亚 佩思
2015年11月巴西铁路工业展览会(NT EXPO 2014) 巴西 圣保罗
欧亚展览---打造专业的外展服务平台 咨询专线:13241411196 联系人:李 扬