ZSENSWITCH is a professional enterprise which is engaged in the high quality electrical appliance switch and socket. It has accumulated more than 20 years of marketing experience and has a lot of mature high quality products.
Switch switch; waterproof switch, tact switch, switch detection, reset switch, tact switch, micro switch, headphone jack, keyboard switch, rocker switch and button switch, button switch, vibration switch, reset switch, door lock switch, blade switch series products.
Zhao Sheng timely follow-up of international advanced environmental protection concept, all materials and products are in line with EU lead-free ROHS standard monthly customer support to provide a large number of qualified high-quality switches and sockets.
兆盛开关电子具有多年的电子行业相关的专业经验,产品广泛应用与汽车工业、仪器仪表、机械及其、家用电器、汽车导航仪、遥控器、电子玩具、电脑週边设备、收录音机、複读机、办公设备打印机、通讯设备手机、蓝牙、按摩器、可视门铃、数码相机、数码相框、医疗器械等。对于客护新产品的研究和开发我们更是与时俱进,不断创新和发展新产品,以配合最新的电子产品的市场需求。 中国兆盛开关网址 HTTP:ZSKGC.COM/