乐泰化工产品系列包括各种用于工业生产、工业维护以及汽车保养和维护的解决方案。辅助汉高Loctite?生产线包括用于粘接接合处的润滑剂、脱模剂、清洁剂和其他专用产品。销处:137\51\13\63\32.陈生 Q.Q/30/22/24/564/ 网.址。w.w.w.a.a.l.o.c.t.i.t.e.c.o.m.LOCTIT E190024 190024LV LOCTITE 190024S /TYPICAL CURING PERFORMANCERecommended UV CureLight Source and Condition:UV or visible light190024LV can be cured by exposure to UV and/or visible light ofsufficient intensity. Surface cure is enhanced by exposure to UV lightin the 220 to 260 nm range. Cure rate and ultimate depth of curedepend on light intensity, spectral distribution of light source,exposure time and lig供应乐泰190024 S 乐泰190024LV 乐泰190024 乐泰3703 汉高乐泰3705,乐泰3782,乐泰3781,汉高乐泰3662